First and succeeding applications to the club face worked well
The container like others said is quite small, but a small amount goes a long way here (in more ways than one)! I've always had a slice, 7 out of 10 will slice way right, but with this stuff, it's unbelievably straight and because it's straight, the ball is going a lot farther. The last round I played was just a 9 hole round and I had 5 drives down the middle that rolled out to 300 yards +. It makes golf even more fun. I've only applied it to my driver, but that's really the only club I have issues with. I'm not saying this Stuff will definitely make your drives longer, but they are a lot straighter and because of that, they are traveling a bit farther. I highly recommend.
This stuff is CRAZY good and does exactly what it claims to do! ? I definitely agree with their claim that an increase of up to 30 yards is possible because I'm bombing my drives with this product! I only hate that it's illegal, but it does help a golfer realize that one of the main reasons for bad golf shots is spin. By minimizing side and backspin, more accuracy and distance is achievable.
I was very skeptical buying this product because I didn't think anything could fix my drives (or should I say slices). But after using this product I was amazed! It was nice being able to drive the ball straight and land on the fairway for once! This isn't a "cure all" for all my problems with my golf swing, but it definitely helps me hit the ball straighter!
May be placebo, but my drives got a lot straighter
Awesome. It really does help a little bit with the slice. Also, you can see on the club where you hit the ball, which is kind of neat.